Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Insect art

 This is my insect art that I made. I made a spider with pebbles and mulch. Hope you like my spider. It has 4 mulch legs. It also has a pebble body. I was going to use a ball with a face but it kept rolling away. it is called the nature spider it looks like that because it is from the nature so it needs to camouflage.


  1. Kia Ora Cayden,
    It is great to see you jumping in and getting involved in summer learning already, you are amazing.
    I like how creative you have been with your spider and what you tried to use a ball but it rolled away. Did you create your art on a slope?
    Keep my the great work.
    From Mrs Carruthers

    1. Hi Mrs Carruthers!
      Thank you for reading my blog during your holiday! I did not make it on a slope but it was in my backyard. The ball was rolling away because it a bit windy. Do you have a slope in your backyard?

  2. Hi Fiona!

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked my spider. I did not try using sellotape or blue tack because I was outside our house and I only wanted to use natural materials. What would make a stick insect out of?


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