Friday 24 April 2020

Shape Walk

Today I went on a walk. I hunted for shapes.


  1. Hi Cayden, I love this presentation you made of your shape walk! I am glad you got out in the sun and found lots of shapes. Keep up the awesome online learning

    1. Hi Miss Szymanik. I had a lot of fun I’m a shape walk with my dad. Have you been able to find shapes around your house?

  2. Hi Cayden,

    Wow I really like all the different photos from your shape walk. Its so cool that you found heaps of different shapes. I'm so pleased to see all the work you have been doing Cayden!!! Well done and keep it up :)

    I hope you and your bubble are doing good and having lots of fun! Be safe and take care X

    - Miss Vili

    1. Hi Miss Vili. I had a lot of fun on my ship walk with my dad and I took pictures with his phone. What is your favourite shape? Mine is a circle because I found it on the power of my bike. I hope you’re doing well.


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