Here is my reading from today. This was very fun because I like agree and disagree. Hope you enjoy my reading.
Friday, 28 August 2020
In and out
Here is my maths from today. This is very hard at first but then it got easy. It was easy because I’m good at Addison and subtraction. Hope you enjoy my math.
Contractions 2
Here is my writing from today.This is easy because I am good at contractions.Hope you enjoy my writing.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Multiplication and division
Here is my maths from today. This is really hard because I am not good at division. Hope you enjoy my maths.
Ring Ring
Who is my reading for today. This was all about camping. I really like this book because my family goes to festival one every year. Festival one is a camp with music.
Here is my writing from today. This was guardian of the galaxy themed. Hope you enjoy my writing.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Nine lemons
Here is my reading from today. This was really easy because I like reading. Hope you enjoy my reading.
Riddle math
Here is my maths from today. This was very easy because this was a multiplication maths little. Hope you enjoy my maths.
Here is my writing for today. This was very hard thinking of stuff about archery. hope you enjoy my writing.
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Workshop maths
Here is my workshop maths from today. There was a private meeting and only who went to it knew what to do for this activiti. Hope you enjoy my workshop math.
Monster at harbour bridge
Here is my writing from today. This was all about a monster at harbour bridge. Hope you enjoy my writing.
Not a big deal
Here is my reading for today. This book is all about this kid that is colourblind. Did you know that I’m colourblind. Hope you enjoy my reading.
200th post
Here is my maths from today. This was my 200th post for the year in total. Hope you enjoy my maths.
Monday, 24 August 2020
Nia’s hair
Here is my reading from today. This book is all about this person called Nia’s hair. Hope you enjoy my reading.
Addition squares
Here is my maths for today. This was hard because I didn’t know that you have to make the additions squares equal to what was underneath and beside. Hope you enjoy my maths.
Here is my work for today. This was my writing. Writing was all about contractions. Hope you enjoy my writing.
Friday, 21 August 2020
Place value
Here is my place value maths for today. This was very hard because I’m not good at place value. Hope you enjoy my maths.
He was my reading for today. This is all about the Kiwilele group and Tamaki primary school. Hope you enjoy my reading for today.
sounds that sound the same but aren’t the same
Here was my writing orking for today. I had to put in the right words.hope you enjoy my writing.
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Here is my poetry for today. Not all the kids in my team had to do this because only because that came to the special meeting knew what to do. Hope you enjoy my poetry.
Inventor poem
Here is my reading for today. I have a poem instead of a book. Hope you enjoy my reading.
Eiffel tower
Here is my Eiffel Tower writing. What do you like about the Eiffel tower? Hope you enjoy My Eiffel tower wrioting.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Using Arrays to solve multiplication
Here is my maths from today. This was really easy doing multiplication. Hope you enjoy my maths.
Here is my slideshow about panda. This it Was really easy thinking of facts about pandas. Hope you enjoy learning about pandas.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Watch this space
Here is my reading from today. This was very easy because I am a good reader. Hope you enjoy my reading.
sea life
Here is my writing for today. This was very hard thinking of facts. I had think of five facts. Hope you enjoy my writing.
Rounding to tens
Here’s my maths from today. I had to make a 10 and then round to the nearest 10. I learnt about rounding to 10. Hope you enjoy.
Monday, 17 August 2020
A world of wonders
Here is my reading slideshow. This was very hard thinking of facts. Hope you enjoy.
Coliseum Dictation
Here is my dictation. This was very hard because the audio wasn’t working. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Addition square
here is my addition square. This was easy because I am good at addition. hope you enjoy my addition square.
Spaceship of honour
Here is a ship that I made out of magnetic blocks. The writing was hard because I didn’t know what you write. Hope you enjoy my spaceship.
Here is a movie for reading. I had fun because I got to make a movie. Hope you enjoy my reading movie.
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Museum poster
Here is the poster that I made for the museum. I had a lot of fun doing this activity because I like making posters. Hope you enjoy my slideshow.
Three bears
Here is my reading slideshow. This was hard because I had a challenge that my mum gave me. The challenge was that I had to use shapes only for my character.
Addition squares
I did some adition squares. I am good at adition Squares. Hope you enjoy my slideshow.
Monday, 10 August 2020
Ultimate hacker
Here is the movie I made on Sunday with my cousins and sister. I was the main character. I was the hacker. The derrecter was Kobe the oldest kid in the room.
Tai Taylor is born
Here is my reading EE. I had a lot of fun doing this EE because I like to do a lot of typing. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, 7 August 2020
Huria Matenga
Here is my reading EE. This EE is all about one of New Zealands first heroes. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Kiwi sport
Today room 21 went to Kiwi sport. We did dance we had fun dancing. some of us wanted to play a game. I wasn’t one of the kids.
after that we did the real dance the. The end bit was the easiest. We did the dance by our selves. Then we went back to class.
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
Sports beginngs
This is my reading me. I had a lot of fun because I got to do some drawing. Hope you enjoy.